html> United Forever
La Illaha IllAllah
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

There is none worthy of worship except Allah. That is the meaning of my topic. I am a sinner and been blinded by this worldly life. I always wanted to give back to charity and help the less fortunate, and its always been my dream to have a charity foundation named after my name. I cannot imagine the pain the less fortunate are going through. Looking back at my own life,i feel very contented and happy that god has bless my life with wonderful friends, parents and siblings. I always see people are complaining about some things be it the weather, not having branded stuff. Well I am guilty of that sometimes but everytime I want to complain,i think about these less fortunate people. And when faced with problems,i always think that if the less fortunate people can overcome it,then why I cannot overcome it? Trust Allah and leave everything to him to decide. We can only plan but Allah is the one who decide. With that I end my post here. Till then. Assalammualaikum.

~Syam the coolboy, 6:52 AM
Living life to the fullest
Monday, July 22, 2013

Well,lately i have been thinking about what it means to live life to the fullest, i think i know it now. Live your life as if it were your last,only then will we treasure our life and cherish our loved ones. Do a lot of good deeds and smile cause its a sunnah,when you smile, everything will tend to be alright. Dont worry about the future,worry now ad you are living in the present. To me,there is no past or future,there is only the present because you see for example, we are living in the present and not in the past or future. To conclude, i always lived by these principled 'live life to the fullest and no regrets as worry doesnt bring you any good'- Syamirul Azim. Signing off #Syamirulz

~Syam the coolboy, 6:09 AM
My take on life and also my feelings.
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hey there people,i just wanted to write and express my feelings and what i felt in my life so far,honestly i sometimes feel very down and dejected even to the point of feeling worthless but i try to stand back stronger and recently i have been feeling sick but i shall stay strong. What is the purpose in my life, i think it is to stay true to god and religion and make myself closer to god. Islam is a beautiful religion and i think the atheist should convert to islam, at least they have a faith to hold on to, i think thats all i gotta say, dont forget to say bismillah everytime we do something :)

~Syam the coolboy, 9:01 AM
Name:Syamirul Azim
DOB:11 August 1994
Likes:Soccer,Man U,Arsenal,Chelsea,Liverpool FC,Tampines Rovers,AC Milan,

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